Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Sometimes when you get lost, you find the most amazing things - unKindness, The Epiphany

As most of you know, I have had an unexpected vacation from Second Life and blogging since the start of November due to a slow recovery from surgery.  I am finally starting to feel like myself again which means I have been getting back up to speed with all of the new changes that have come to SL in my absence, and spending time playing with the new Bento heads.  It is almost like starting all over when you have been away for awhile but as the creator of unKindness said earlier today, "the changes and advances continue to challenge creators to try and do more," which I have to completely agree with, especially as I wandered out onto the grid the past few days.  Everything looks new, and it has even inspired me to push myself a bit further for the year of 2017.  I stated last year that 2016 was going to be my year of learning, I just never expected it to be more about my health than my future on Second Life, but I think this is the year I focus a bit more and start to spread my wings a bit.

I feel like I have been lost for the past few months, which most of you know is something I like to do anyway, to be honest, because blogging has become more than a hobby for me, it is where I can release stress and unwind while tapping into my creative side, hoping to find a bit of genius there, or at least brilliance! (winks)  One of the very first things I opened once I returned was the amazing La Viejo Gacha Collection from unKindness, that is currently available at The Epiphany, through the 15th of the month, and I just had to share it with you all!

Pueblo Viejo Gacha
75L a play
9 Commons
1 Rare
Exclusive for the Event - The Gallows (Copy NO trans)

Pictured Here
Church - RARE
Building with Awning 2
Broken Building 1
Single Wall
Single Flag
Double Flag

This amazing collection is perfect for a picture taking sim, or just an addition to your land, if looking to add a bit of rustic flair with a Spanish influence.  Each piece has very low land impact, meaning you can decorate without worrying about crashing your land or lagging everyone to death.  Each piece is incredibly well made with a wonderful attention to detail, with every piece created to accent the others, creating an entire town that flows no matter how you decide to put it together.  Do yourself a favor and head on over to the event before it's too late, because you won't be able to get your hands on the Gallows for the Pueblo Viejo set, as it is an exclusive to the event and won't be sold again!  

Kaerri - La Joya Collection
Couch Throw
Mosaic Donkey
Plates on inside wall

HPMD - Trees
Garden Tree 8
Garden Tree 9

Have a wonderfully wicked rest of your day and remember to always stay true to your style and make the trends in today's fashion and home decor, work for you!

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