Friday, June 30, 2017

Some journeys lead you down roads never expected - Petit Chat & Del Alba Creations

On the 9th of June my man and I took off for ten days to Washington to attend his daughter's graduation from college.  Neither of us had ever been to that part of the country, so we were more than excited to start our journey, but where it led neither of us ever expected.  For those of you who have been following me for a while now, you know I suffer from a lovely cocktail of autoimmune issues including Lupus, which has kept me home for over a decade now with pain, muscle and other body issues.  When we landed in Seattle I didn't think much about the fact that I wasn't in much pain, but when I woke the next morning after sleeping on a crappy mattress and I didn't hurt, I started to think maybe my adrenaline was going or that my brain had just turned on the endorphins knowing I still had a car ride left to go before we were finally at our destination.  By day two of not really hurting, just a few aches and muscles that needed stretched and miles of walking in the beautiful Washington air along the coastline, we were convinced the altitude of Flagstaff was truly effecting me negatively.  My heart didn't act up the entire time we were away, my blood pressure wasn't high, I didn't need my pain pills and my man and I got to do things together, instead of me staying put while he ventured off hiking.  After returning home I ended up terribly sick for two weeks and my heart is once again acting up and the pain is back, so our eyes have turned to moving to Washington, which was the furthest thing from our minds when we set out on this journey, and now all roads are leading that direction and to new opportunities.

With new opportunities and new journeys on my mind I logged on yesterday to finally get back to blogging and found the perfect combination in the boxes from Petit Chat and Del Alba Creations.  The 7th annual Beached Bunny Hunt, from Evil Bunny Productions, begins on July 3rd, which is where you can pick up this absolutely stunning swimsuit from Del Alba Creations.  The Richelle swimsuit comes in a wide variety of sizes for mesh bodies, including one for Maitreya, featured above.  I love the gorgeous blues pattern and the little details on the side and the tie in the front.  If you are as picky as I am about swimsuits then do yourself a favor and go grab this during the hunt for ONLY $1L!  You can't beat that price!  

My grandmother used to always tell me that if I was wanting to change my destination in life to wear an anchor, so when I saw the newest release from Petit Chat a smile immediately broke out across my face and I immediately donned the amazing new anchor and shells necklace and earrings.  Each piece is HUD driven with several textures to choose from for the metals and the starfish and shells on the anchor, making it an incredibly versatile set that just HAS to make it into your jewelry box.  The "A Summer of Betty" collection has been released for the newest round of InspirationSL that started on June 17th inspired by Betty Boop and her love of fashion!  As usual the details and texturing are fabulous on the necklace and earrings with oodles of combinations to be created with the HUD.  So if you love anchors, or just gorgeous jewelry then do yourself a favor and head on over to the event and pick yours up today!  And maybe you too will be inspired to take a journey and see where the road leads, I promise it won't always be where you expected!

The Fashion Details
Head - LeLutka - Simone - Bento

Body - Maitreya - Lara

Skin - *YS&YS* - Sey&Mey - PowderPack LeLutka - March

Eyes - IKON - Triumph - Dew

Hair - Damselfy - Elizabella

Earrings and Jewelry - Petit Chat - A Summer of Betty @ InspirationSL - Started June 17th - A Summer of Betty Boop

Swimsuit - Del Alba Creations - Richelle @ The Beached Bunny Hunt from Evil Bunny Productions July 3rd - 31st
Hint - Your gift is down the rabbit hole.  Find Alice!

The Decor Details
Chair and Pose - Trompe Loeil - Romy Cove & Romy Cay Chairs - PG and Adult versions

Have a wonderfully wicked rest of your day and remember to always stay true to your style and make today's trends in fashion and home decor work for you!

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