Monday, August 21, 2017

Gather with friends for the total eclipse of the Sun - Featuring Aphrodite/Heart Homes @ Swank

The United States is quite a buzz today with the total eclipse of the Sun, which happens to be gracing the skies starting here shortly, with great views apparently happening almost every where except of course here in Flagstaff, where we have showers and clouds in the forecast. My son's school took a group of kids up to Oregon and they will be streaming it live for the kids and due to the significance of the eclipse for the native people, several schools are not in session and lots of kids are out with their parents to celebrate this event. The news shows tons of campers invading the small towns listed along the path of the eclipse through Idaho, Wyoming and Oregon and I can honestly say I am so glad I am not in that mass of humanity, but I do wish I could be somewhere up in Washington or Oregon relaxing with friends in a cozy setting to view the eclipse. Since I can't wiggle my nose or blink my eyes and transport myself off to the wilds of the Northwest, I have decided to do the next best thing and invite some friends over on Second Life to talk about life and watch a streaming vid of the eclipse nestled into this comfy new release from Heart Homes.

Gather with friends for the total eclipse of the Sun - Featuring Heart Homes @ Swank

The "Friends Gathering" with Fire pit is a wonderfully designed and expertly textured circular seating area for up to 6 couples and 12 friends or any combination of the two, meaning you have enough places for your friends to come over and enjoy an evening or afternoon around the fire. The menu offers you TONS of options for seating, fire and textures, meaning it will fit perfectly in any backyard! Do yourself a favor and head on over to Swank and check it out for yourself, you will be truly blown away by the latest release from Heart Homes, I promise!

The Decor Details

Seating - Heart Homes - "Friends Gathering" seating with fire pit @ Swank
Several seating spots for up to 6 couples or 12 friends, or any combo of the two, as well as props for some of the poses.

Trees (yellow) - Dysfunctionality Designs - Whispy Forest Trees

Grass and Trees - HPMD

I hope you all have a wonderfully wicked rest of your day and remember to NOT look directly at the eclipse today, it will fry your eyes! Always stay true to your style and make today's trends in fashion and home decor work for you!

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