Saturday, April 9, 2016

It may be Spring in the Northern Hemisphere but others are just starting to head into their chilly time of the year! - [CIRCA] and unKindness

I know those of us who blog have a tendency to focus on where we are in the world without much thought to the fact that as we showcase swimsuits and getting outdoors, those below the Equator are starting to head indoors and look towards the colder parts of their year.  So with that in mind today I went through all the goodies I have gotten from [CIRCA] over the last couple of months and put together a cozy living room with a fantastic fireplace PERFECT for those of you looking to head inside!

A couple of months ago [CIRCA] released the "Winter Solstice" Gacha collection for an event so I decided to take a those pieces and combine them with other new releases from the past month showcasing the wonderful ability to mix and match many of the pieces from the store.  I love the Over-sized, high back bean bag chair and the fireplace will go well with any modern decor.  In my opinion, no space is complete without accent pieces, and I looked to unKindness to put the finishing touches on this room, as with almost every room in my home, so do yourself a favor and head out home shopping today to both stores, you won't be disappointed!

The Details
Fireplace, Chalkboard Sign, Hexagon Shelf, Over Sized Bean Bag Chair, Large Shelving Unit, Rug - [CIRCA] - Winter Solstice Gacha Collection

Chair, Curtains, Aloe in Vase, Modern Table with Orchid - [CIRCA] - Myst Collection

Coffe Table - [CIRCA] - Glass Kidney Table - Midnight Jack Collection

Stack of Blankets - unKindness - Gypsy Quilts Stack

Clock - unKindness - Chic Wall Clock - White
(Tres Chic just ended so the clocks should be in the store)

Pitcher - unKindness - Whimsy Trinkets Gacha - Hydrangeas Pitcher

Peace Sign with Keys - unKindness - Whimsy Trinkets Gacha - Key to Peace

Have a wonderfully wicked rest of your day and remember to always stay true to your style and make today's fashion trends work for you!

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