Wednesday, August 31, 2016

“The most regretful people on earth are those who felt the call to creative work, who felt their own creative power restive and uprising, and gave to it neither power nor time.” ― Mary Oliver

I love words.  Now that may seem an odd way to start a blog post, but I have been reading more again, which means I have been once again browsing through the musings of my favorite poet, Mary Oliver.  If you don't know who that is, then take some time and do a few searches, read a bit and then head on over to her Facebook page as well, you will be surprised at how many of her phrases you already know simply from meme's on the net.  But today, I rediscovered a favorite, and you can say it was actually an inspiration to me many years ago to become who I am today.
“The most regretful people on earth are those who felt the call to creative work, who felt their own creative power restive and uprising, and gave to it neither power nor time.”
Mary Oliver
I used to have a Monday through Friday job that was pretty predictable, though working with the mentally ill can't ever really be called predictable, and I was always searching for a more creative way to do my job, or ways to bring artistic forms into therapy and counseling.  I was often met with hostility, anger, dismay and sometimes people just blew me off and called me a Hippy, which if you know me, that made me all kinds of happy!  Too many people ignore their creative sides and let them lie dormant, starved to death instead of nurturing them, even in the smallest of ways.  My father isn't a very artistic man, and I wouldn't say outside of a boardroom, very creative.  Which in turn rubbed off on me, and so after high school I stopped dancing and acting, though I continued to sing because I loved it, but life often gets in the way and I stopped singing as well.  I can honestly say, those were some of the darkest years of my life.  I had no time to let my creative energy flow nor did I think I NEEDED to do this, but I can tell you now, you MUST listen to the call of the sprite within you, beckoning you to do whimsical things, you will never regret it.  Whether you call them hobbies, entertainment, or some other words I won't mention, do them!  And do them often!  All of the parts of your soul need tending, and when we let the hustle and bustle of daily life slip away and let our creative juices flow, no matter the outlet you have discovered, it is amazing the things we can discover about ourselves.  In 2008 I heard the chime of my creative bell going off and I decided to do something about it, and started to teach myself Photoshop and learn about creating.  I spent several years designing rooms and furniture on another 3d platform before I came skipping over to Second Life with friends and suddenly I KNEW why the bells had been going off since 2008.  My first love were words.  I love how they flow together, I love the pictures they can create in your mind, and the emotions they can evoke within you.  Everything about them, from the raw, harsh language of the streets to the lofty, pretentious phrasings of the rich, they are all beautiful when woven together into a tapestry.  I think back now and I really can't imagine doing anything else.  Some days I miss working in an office or with other people, but my body decided in 2006 that I was never going to work again like other people in their 9-5 worlds, and I am all right with that now.  For me it became about working smarter, not harder, and blogging and doing promotional work allows me to help other people as well as tap into my creative side with the photography, styling and writing.  In the end, I feel like I am contributing to society in a meaningful way again, through my blogging, at the same time keeping my soul happy, I couldn't ask for anything more!

The Fashion Details

Earrings - Noodles - Le Kitty - Gold

Necklace - PetroFF - Amore Set

Swimsuit, Bag, Shoes - Marquesse - Summer Love

Have a wonderfully wicked rest of your day and remember to always stay true to your style and make today's trends in fashion and home decor work for you!

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