A hedonistic adventure into Second Life! Come let me share with you my journey through the world of fashion and home decor!
Thursday, September 17, 2015
A night with Scheherazade
The last few days have been pretty hard on me with lots of running around and in and out of the car which leads to more pain, and in turn I end up exhausted and unable to sit up at the computer for very long. When this hits me I find it very difficult to write anything inspired. Instead I end up rambling on about this or that with no direction. I finally was able to sit and take pics of this gorgeous ensemble from Scandal Fashions for Apply Me and just a few words about it didn't seem to be enough. But I had the energy, so off I went to find something to spark my creativity. Often times I go over to Image Essentials and wander around and hit the pose/prop studios to get my mind going, but an idea had started to swirl in my head. At some point I had to go downstairs for something and as I was passing my bookshelf in my office, a title seemed to almost leap out at me and I had my inspiration....the Dance of the Seven Veils and Scheherazade. What book, you may ask, well what else could it be other than Tom Robbins "Skinny Legs and All."I am an avid fan and if you haven't read any of his books, I wouldn't suggest starting with this one as it happens to be a little far out there for most, but still it's an awesome novel! Imagine if you will a scene, of a beautiful woman with plenty of curves, adorned with seven distinct veils and that as she seductively removes each veil a new level or a new path to YOUR happiness is revealed. How far would you let her go? How far would you watch? Do we need to know that much about ourselves; or to reveal that much? Or in the end, do we only truly learn when completely bare, with our souls naked? Come with me and spend a night in the company of Scheherazade and her seven veils, as you can tell, we have already peeled away a few layers, but obviously there are many to go.
The Desire Silks comes in a variety of colors and with all of your favorite mesh body appliers as well, meaning you are sure to find your perfect fit! The skirt is an add-on piece with two to choose from in each color, but make sure to check out the bra and panties without the attachment as well as they are truly stunning. The stockings are purposely footless so you don't hide those pretty toes when wearing the matching shoes, also from Scandal Fashions. The entire ensemble is an exclusive at the current round of Apply Me from Solaris, which ends in just a few days so hurry on over as you don't have much time! Trust me this is a gorgeous piece that goes well in many RP communities as well as Genies, or if you are like me, you love the feeling of being incredibly feminine and this is the perfect outfit if you are wanting to show off what it means to be a woman. So with a wink and a nod, I wish you all a wonderfully wicked evening!
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