Saturday, July 19, 2014

Mad Little Heathen!

It's Saturday, and have you run around and grabbed all the goodies for the Saturday Sale?  Just in case you haven't seen them, heathenesque has just released a fantastic line of cuffs for the Saturday Sale.  Special price just for today, then back to regular price in store!  Oh....and in case you missed the news flash... heathenesque and 7mad;Ravens are now on the Depraved Nation sim with brand new stores!  Still a bit under construction, so make sure to wear your hard hats, but go check them out in their new digs!

In celebration of their new locations, and to show off the great new cuffs I had to put together a Mad Little Heathen outfit for you all!  The Candy Yum Corset from heathenesque comes with a HUD to change the colors, and has an amazing fit.  Love the fact that no matter what you choose, the colors always match and you can count on consistency in great quality and design.  Today, I paired the corset with my favorite leather pants of all time, the Alpha Leathers from 7mad;Ravens.  They fit wonderfully and are textured amazingly, and though not pictured here, always nice to show off the bum!  And if you missed them at Project Limited, hurry before you can no longer get your hands on the heathenesque and 7mad;Ravens exclusives available until the end of the month!

Corset - /h/ Candy Yum
Pants - 7mad;Ravens Alpha Leathers
Shoes - Promagic Hit Heels
Cuffs - /h/ Brute Cuffs SATURDAY SALE!
Ring - Hucci Lighter Ring 
Collar - Pekka Solid Metal Spiked @ Project Limited

Skin - DeeTalez Anka + Cleavage + Custom Lips
Teeth and Tongue - DeeTalez
Eybrows - LAQ Alva
Eyeliner - Pekka 
Eyelashes - Gaeline Mesh 
Blush - Shakeup! Cosmetics
 Eyeshadow - Nar Mattaru Gift @ Skin Fair 2014 so check store for others
Hands - Slink Elegant
Feet - Slink High
Eyes - IKON Kaleido
Hair - Little Bones Eulogy

Poses by PosEsion and heathenesque COMING SOON!  So keep your eyes peeled for
new and exciting things at heathenesque!

Happy shopping and have a wonderfully wicked weekend!

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