Friday, February 3, 2017

Amidst the ruins of what used to be - Addams, Truth, Glam Affair, unKindness, The Epiphany, Izzie's

If you have traveled out west to Arizona then you know that the blending of cultures is sometimes almost seamless here with Spanish Missions falling to ruins on Native lands, and vice versa.  History has shown missionaries and the like bringing their Christian beliefs to the indigenous people of the West, with many embracing the new religion while continuing to follow their own traditions, making this area very rich in blended cultures.  I was excited to find The Epiphany up and running upon my return so I could do some shopping and do a little bit of catch up after being gone for three months.  And I was absolutely blown away by some of the offerings available only at the event, including this absolutely gorgeous ensemble from Addams.  With the release of unKindness's Pueblo Viejo for the event I jumped at the chance to pick up this outfit so I could put the Native Princess beside the Spanish Mission, creating a capture you can find duplicated throughout the history of art in the Southwest.

The Zara Collection by Addams comes with a necklace, bracelets, top and pants with several different color combinations as well as a RARE color, featured here on the top, at a reasonable pull price, meaning you won't break the bank trying to get your favorite ensemble put together.  I love the fit on both pieces and the detailing and texturing is absolutely exquisite!  If you happened to pass by the gacha and not stop do yourself a favor and head on back and grab yours today, I promise you won't be disappointed!  Truth has three different hairs available for The Epiphany all in one gacha, and I was tickled pink to get the RARE on my first pull, which means I am coveting the reds at the moment, and we know how much I love being a fiery redhead!  I love the flow and detailing on all three hairs but this one works well with most outfits with little cutting into the body, it is the perfect hair for a long, soft, silhouette, so hurry and pick one up for yourself!  

Upon my return I was delighted to see a trinket from Petit Chat.  The event has already ended but I know it will be making it's way to the store shortly and I think everyone needs to get their hands on this fantastic new necklace.  The Vintage Bows necklace comes in two versions, Heavy and Thin, meaning you will find the perfect fit, OH and it is Unisex as well, so even the men can have a casual, vintage look to accompany yours.  Every piece can be customized to your liking by simply changing the color, or playing with Glow and Transparency in Edit mode, making it an incredibly versatile piece of jewelry that just has to make it into your jewelry box!  And to complete the look make sure to stop by Izzie's and grab the Metallic Arrow tattoo to enhance your look once your picked up the Zara collection from Addams!

Decor Details
unKindness - Pueblo Viejo Gacha @ The Epiphany

Runs through Feb 15th
75L a play
9 Commons
1 Rare
Exclusive for the Event - The Gallows (Copy NO trans)

Pictured here
Church - RARE
Building with Awning 2
Broken Building 1
Single Flag
Double Flag

Kaerri - La Joya Collection
Couch Throw
Mosaic Donkey
Garden Tree 8
Garden Tree 9

The Fashion Details
Head - LeLutka - Simone 2.2 Bento

Body - Maitreya - Lara

Skin - Glam Affair - Susan - Jamaica 2 @ The Epiphany

Hair - Truth - Fire (LBrowns-Pastels-Reds) RARE @ The Epiphany

Eyes - IKON - Silverleaf

Tattoo - Izzie's - Metallic Arrow Tattoo

Long Necklace - Petit Chat - Vintage Bows Necklace - 2 versions - Heavy and Light
Recently at an event so check the store

Necklace - Addams - Zara #39 @ The Epiphany

Top - Addams - Zara #25 RARE @ The Epiphany

Pants - Addams - Zara #10 @ The Epiphany

Pose - An Lar - Yolanda Series

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